A Funny Thing Happened on the way to the Forum...

mood? rolling along...
music? Kill - Jimmy Eat World
muse? Wild At Heart by John Elridge

So I've had a good week so far. Frog Lips and Chameleon are sick which is a downer, but they'll get better eventually. But anyway. God has really revealed the importance of wounds to me lately. I have definitely become an advocate of Elridge's book Wild at Heart. He talks about how much the wounds in our lives affect us, whether we admit that they are there or not. I've come to my own conclusion about this too. God allows us to recieve wounds. Some of you might be sitting back right now, and looking at the screen sideways. Let me explain. Job was a prime example of what I am talking about, whether you believe he was fictional or real. God allowed him to be wounded by Satan over and over and over. Why did he do that? For His pleasure? I don't think so... God is the healer, and he works through our wounds in a number of ways. By allowing us to be wounded he shows us that we are weak, after all - we're only human. If we didn't have weakness we would never need to rely on God. Therefore, through our wounds, God shows us that we need Him. When He heals us, He shows us His power. Through the healing of our wounds the strengthens us and our faith in Him. This is such a simple explanation, but to show a case of this: Paul the Apostle tells us in his letters that he has a thorn to remind him that he needs God, now God provides Paul strength but allows him to stay weak so that He can be the provider in Paul's life. A major issue comes when we are self-righteouss and do not admit our own wounds. If we are that way then we can never know God's healing power. Its as though a man comes off the battle field with a wound. He denies he has a wound because of pride. The wound becomes infected and over time puss develops. This is even worse than the original wound!
In order for the soldier to be healed and back to normal,
he must do a few things:

1. Admit he's wounded.
2. Allow the doctor to rewound him to remove the puss and infection.
3. Allow the healing to finally take place.
Now wouldn't he have saved a lot of time if he had just admitted he was hurting in the first place? YES. Hope you get something out of it. It's not weak to admit you're bleeding spiritually, and you can get back to fighting sooner.

Funny story:
Last night I was on the way home from the B at about 12. I was going down Church St. and was stopped the redlight beside Nautilus and there was an officer with his lights on who had a car pulled over. The light turned green and I proceeded. I went through the next light, and a car flew in front of me going the other direction. I had been paying more attention to the cop than the light and had run it right in front of the cop!! But he didn't turn on his lights and come after me. So I kept driving. I made the next turn and a car came up behind me. It was the officer and he pulled me over. He asked me an array of ?s: license, registration, insurance, where are you goin?, where have you been?, do you know why I pulled you over, etc. Then he asks me to step out of the car and reads me my rights. ! He asked me to say the alphabet without singing. I did it. He was like I can't smell anything on your breath and you said the alphabet. Turns out he thought I was drunk, because I ran the light! But he let me off without a ticket. Thank goodness!
But man I was in a good mood after that!

aight guys
don't forget to comment

3 Response to "A Funny Thing Happened on the way to the Forum..."

  • justsittingthere Says:

    my comment: YOU"RE SUCH A SQUID

  • Anonymous Says:

    Interesting. I am happy you did not get ticketed. You must be doing something right. I noticed your blog the last couple of days. You seem down. I pray that you will work through things. I'd love to help. Let met know - DNH

  • Anonymous Says:

    funny story...hahaha...it made me laugh, so i'm glad i read it. *kisses*