The Piano Duet
from the Corpse Bride Soundtrack

So I'm getting really interested in the internal workings of the Vatican and of all Roman Catholicism right now. I guess I always have been, but my sociology of religion class has pushed me to study more than just belief systems. We learn about the actual structure of the cult, denomination or church - heirarchy, rules, stability, etc. I recently picked up a book called The Last Pope by David Osborn and it's actually quite good. (aside from a few choice words here and there)

It really amazes me how much politicking can go on within a group that is supposed to adhere a much higher standard. I've even experienced it my own organizations. From my job at the church to my leadership position at BCM. You can never ever satisfy everyone. Read 1 Corinthians 1:10-17. No good come of this kind of division, friction within any sort of group; it is not healthy. Now things must be discussed in order to determine which path is right, just and righteous, but not so that one can stand against another in spite of the other. I am at fault just as much as the next person, and I hate what I've done, but I cannot change what I've done either. I have to accept the consequences and move on. Just as David did. He messed up on several occasions and reaped the consequences. Yet, he moved on with great persistence and hope. I will follow his example. (Since Christ never faced a situation where He dealt with the reprecussions of sin, it makes sense that an alternative model is found.) These divisions are not of God. He brought Israel and Judah back together. He loves rebirth and mending; not putting up walls and hatred! Anyway... Go buy the Corpse Bride Soundtrack. It's really good, but be warned I have interesting taste in music!

1 Response to " "

  • kaitlyn Says:


    i just thought i'd throw that out there...hehe have a great week...

    and i got a ticket...a ticket for the massacre...the massacre that carolina is gonna inflict on clemsux!