crown HIM!

I'm overwhelmed daily with the thought of grace...
"A grace that is greater than all our sins..."
In light of all of the righteousness of Christ,
after having the view of the cross seared in my eyes,
I can't help but fall down helpless before the throne.

The one who has it all SUFFERED on my behalf...
How backwards is this?

But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, now crowned with glory and honor because he suffered death, so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone.
(Heb 2:9)

This holy week, all I want is for people to see the cross.
All I want is for people to know that Jesus died for them
Not only that but that He is STRONGER than the grave.
He conquered death, so that we might live not fearing the end.

Oh how He loves us so
Oh how He loves us
How He loves us so...

He loves us, so why do we keep on sinning?
He gave His life so that we might live...
The Ultimate Sacrifice.
so why do we hide in the shadows?
why are we timid?
why do we long to look just like the culture that surrounds us?

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