How Great?

Music? How Great by DCB
Mood? Excited

Guys I am so incredibly pumped. I visited a ship by myself for the first time yesterday. It was another Chinese crew. That makes 3 Chinese crews that I have dealt with since I have been here. It's amazing how grateful they are for the "courtesy" trips to Wal-Mart and for the time that they have here at the seamen's center, or seamen's club as the crews call it. It's so awesome.

I know that everyone else is, hopefully, having a great summer too. Just remember that God can use you in incredible ways. Its like Jonah. He wanted the Ninevites to be destroyed and did not want to preach to them, but when he went and preached their destruction they repented. Even, when we might be doing some things for the wrong reasons, in Jonah's case to tell them of their fate and not to save them, God can still use those actions. He is amazing.

Make a commitment this summer to be teachable and to focus on God's Will and forsake your own. The more you look for God and are passionate about Him, the closer your Will will become to His. Look for God's Will in everything that you do.

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