Unseen Warriors

Music? Fight - PFR
Mood? Calm

My Youth Minister at my church back home gave a good lesson the other night at Crossfire, and since then it has been on my mind. Prayer is one of biggest resposiblities that we, as Christians, have. I know that I don't pray nearly as muchs I know that I should. But i wonder what would happen if I prayed for more...hmmmm?

"I pray for rain to come in and wash away
What has made me numb
I pray for a raging storm to drown the sin in me
And the rain comes in the nick of time
I swallow hard cause my throat's been dry
The rain comes beating on my skin
Till I'm washed away nothing left within
When Your rain comes
Your rain comes"
- Pray For Rain by PFR

I wish that everyone would pray for rain. If that happened then the church, everyone and everywhere might finally unite and everyone might hear the word of God!!! How awesome would that be? People all over the world would be affected by these prayers. What if His people prayed??? The world would be new and everyday more and more people would be coming to know the same Christ that I know and that hopefully you know too. Maybe if we "set our hearts on the things above" instead of earthly things, then we would begin to see that reaching other people and telling them of Christ for the joy of God is what we are here for...

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