Thorns Of Beauty

Music? On My Way - Robbie Seay Band
Mood? Challenged

This week is going to be something, but I don't know what yet. I'm looking forward to the weekend already, and I don't know if that's a good thing or not. hmmm... Oh well.

God has been testing me in a lot of different ways in the last week. In some ways I have failed, but in others I have triuphed with God's help. A verse He has put on my heart, and one that I have shared with the band. The verses are 2 Corinthians 12:1-10. It talks about Paul's thorn, although we don't know exactly what it is we can assume it is a place where he sins in his life. Whatever it is, it is something that he pleads to God to remove, and God doesn't remove it. So we must rejoice in our suffering, because it is for God's glory that we are imperfect. If we were not, then we could claim that we did the things we do without God, but because of our imperfections, we must rely on God for strength. So through all of my trials I shall strive to conquer them, but if I do not it will be okay, because I will suffer for His Glory. As it says in Romans 5 verse 8 "While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." He died for me while I sinned and He died for me knowing that I would sin again and again. I will continue to follow Christ's example, but I will never reach it until His Kingdom comes.

Being home this weekend reminded me how much I missed being at home this summer, but I had an awesome summer none-the-less.

Well, if anyone reads this shoot some feedback towards me and I'll holla back later.

1 Response to "Thorns Of Beauty"

  • Anonymous Says:

    What you wrote reminded me of a verse that goes hand-in-hand with that. It's from James 1:2: "Consider it pure joy, my brothers, when you face trials of many kinds because you know that they trying of your faith develops perseverence." There's more to it, but I really can't remember because I'm doing this off the top of my head.
    Ok, we still need to have our little fight because I have yet to beat the cruddy-buddy outta you. You were just scared of me on Sunday.
    Oh, by the way, what is up w/ the JHolla thing? You're just weird.
    You know you love me!!!!! :) How could you not?