Just Go Ahead Now...

mood? caffeinated
music? Spin Doctors - Two Princes
muse? Colossians 1:17

So, its incredibly late... or early, which ever way you want to look at it. haha. Homecoming is today and hopefully Clemson will dominate Utah St, I mean its our homecoming so we really need to win. But who knows.

My thoughts right now are basically on the flawed, sinful nature of man, and how that, even though we screw up over and over, God continually takes us back. Eddie made a good point when we were discussing Quiet Times the other night; he said that QTs are kind of like bungee jumping, its safe but there is a commitment in it. We should just do our QTs every day instead of sporadically. Anyway, the point is that once you get back up on the bridge the next day to jump again, there is still some uneasiness in the jump but there shouldn't be because we should want to spend time with God. The uneasiness may come from busy-ness, stress, or a number of other things, but we need to "just go ahead" and jump and remember the exhilerating part of spending time with God as opposed to the time it takes, because is worth the time.
I know I am rambling, but I hope it makes sense. Go ahead and dig in to God's word and don't worry about the other things in your life, but instead present them to God. He'll take your worries and comfort you, and you can always come back and He will run to you and embrace you.

So, to summarize again, get back into your QT even if its been forever, because God wants to spend time with you and all the uneasiness will disappear when you are in His prescence.

Aight, I'm done.
Later peeps.

1 Response to "Just Go Ahead Now..."

  • Anonymous Says:

    Is that John in the picture with the Princess panties on his head and the sucker in his mouth???? I'm a little worried now.