Who's Ministry?

mood? incredibly tired
music? The Swiss Army Romance - Dashboard Confessional
muse? John 15:13-16

This past week has been very interesting to say the least. Dean made a really good observation yesterday he said: "BCM people are the one's who need help, and they think that I do"
I half-heartedly laughed, but it bothered me a little, because he's absolutely right. As Christians I really believe that we need to pursue our own personal relationship with Christ first and foremost. I think that we get caught up in so many little ministries with so many good intentions. But as the old saying goes: "The road to Hell is paved with good intentions" I don't believ that we have to be right with God, and on our way to perfection to do ministry, however, I do believe that we need to be pursuing Jesus with all we've got in order to do ministry to the best of our ability. That is one reason Quiet Times are so incredibly important. I have slacked the past few days, and I can already feel the effects. Its like when you put a metal object in the fire for a while, and then take it out. It stays hot for a while, but eventually it cools down and is cold. The same thing happens with our ministry, if we are spending time with God everyday then we will stay blazing hot and our ministry will be continually effective. However, if we stop spending time with God, we are good for a while, but we eventually lose our usefulness. Therefore, put your relationship with Christ first, but DO NOT forsake the opportunities for ministry that God present to you to do.

Ok. I'm spent.

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