A Week of Stuff...

Mood? Rockin...
Music? Miami - Will Smith
Muse? The Book Of Hosea

I can't believe that it's only been a week since I posted last, it feels like an eon. I meant to post before, because I need ya'lls opinion on something. Kev-Dawg, Eddie and Me were at the Bell and realized that some of the sayings on the sauce packets were dang funny. Which is your favorite?

1. Heads...
2. Live life one sauce packet at a time.
3. Pick me!
Pick me!
4. Not to be used as a flotation device.
5. Mild sauce... the new ketchup.
6. It's okay... you can say it.
I love you too.
7. Bike tires scare me.
8. Of all those sauce packets, why me, why now?
9. Nice palm. I read a great deal of pleasure in your future.
10. Open quickly... I'm burning up in here.
11. Single Fire Sauce seeking friendship, maybe more.
12. WARNING! You're about to make a taco very happy.
13. My sauce is an honor student at Taco Middle School.
14. When I grow up I want to be a waterbed.
15. If you throw this, would it be a flying saucer?
16. Be Gentle
17. Where are you taking me?
18. Careful, I don't do well under pressure.
19. Use your stomach, nacho mind.
20. ...Tails
I love this one. "When I grow up I want to be a waterbed." Let me know which one you think is the best, even if you don't like Taco Bell. The only reason we have on in Clemson is because Eddie spends enough there to keep it open. Ha Ha. This week has been awesome. It started with a test that I rocked out and got an A on. English is such a g---t subject. On top of that I cam e off a great weekend where THE CLEMSON TIGERS BEAT THE MIAMI 'CANES!!!! Eat that Miami. The U lost to a better team. And since then I've been floating. I don't know why this week has seemed so long, but it has been.

Oh yeah, if you get a chance go see The Incredibles; awesome movie. I can't wait till Spongebob comes out on the big screen either. Anyway. You guys keep it real.

3 Response to "A Week of Stuff..."

  • Anonymous Says:

    7 - bike tires scare me

    my fav - Dad

  • Anonymous Says:


  • Anonymous Says:

    i thought they were all kinda stupid...i don't get 'em at all
