rocks in hard places

Mood? Content
Music? OK - Mutemath
Muse? Jeremiah 1:6

Christmas break has been really, really interesting so far. Luckily I have a some more to look forward to. Me and John have had a ton of time to hang out. It's been really fun. Overall, I have really been able to eval myself and what I have been doing over these last few months. I've been doing an aweful lot, but not neccesarily what I should be doing and focusing on. ( My grades showed it. ) I just found a verse in Jeremiah, because I like to have a "muse" up at the top, and it really hit me hard.

I can completely identify with Jeremiah in this. "Ah, Sovereign Lord! I do not know how to speak; I am only a child!!" I feel so helpless lately, and so useless to God. I haven't been able to live up to what He is worthy of seeing from me. My commitments to Him have faltered and I sincerely regret it. However, I can no longer live in the past, but I must press on. Just as the verse identifies where I am right now, the song identifies God's reply to me. It's OK. move on. it's not the end of the world. you are mine. How much more uplifting it must have been when God replied to Jeremiah "'Do not say, 'I am only a child.' You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you,' declares the LORD." He will pick us up out of our mess and out of the troubles, and comfort us and help us through the hard times. Therefore, I am completely trusting in God for my future and what He has in store for me, because He has promised to rescue me and told me not to fear, so I will do no such thing. Yoda said "No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try." This is exactly the mindset I must have. I can't try to be good enough any longer, but instead I must follow God and do as I am told. Just Do; There Is No Try.

It feels really really good to get this off my chest, even if nobody reads it.
***deep breath***

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