are you saved!

Mood? Concerned
Music? Lady - Lenny Kravitz
Muse? John 2:12-25

So last night I finally watched Saved! and my sister is kind of giving me weird looks for actually liking the movie. First of all, the movie's site states something that really had a lot to do with why I liked it. It said:

"There is a constant tension between what's "acceptable" to talk about at church and what teens truly confront in their daily lives. This dichotomy creates a disconnect in young people between their faith and their life in the "real world." It's the youth minister's job to find ways to illustrate biblical truth with clarity and applicability.
"Saved! bridges that chasm by presenting authentic Christian teens who make poor choices, have a crisis of faith, seek answers, and ultimately emerge with a genuine faith made strong through the fire of life. This movie will also make people uncomfortable or possibly offend. It's messy, portraying life with all it's warts and confusion. It addresses dozens of issues teens grapple with today and will launch them easily into significant spiritual discussions. This is definitely the film for generating conversation with the young people."
(You can find this by going to the Christian Guide part of the movie's webpage.) A lot of people are offended by this movie, and honestly they should not be. There are a lot of positive critisisms around as well.

"...As a believer, it really challenged me make sure that I'm portraying Christ's love to others instead of simply spouting out rules from the Bible. The last line in the movie about figuring out what Jesus would do really got to me, as well as when Hilary Faye realized that she had done wrong and they told her that Jesus still loved her. I thought that it was an excellent film that will help any Christian in their strive to grow in Christ." --Dustin Foree, age 16

There are a few things that really stood out to me as things that I can learn from and use to grow in my walk with God. The "Mercy House" was where all of the parents sent their troubled children to live. Mary's gay boyfriend was sent there to fight his battle with homosexuality surrounded by other's with the same or similar problems. These people were not only surrounding sin with sin, but they were trying to put the responsiblity of helping their children and working through their problems on other people. Instead of trying to love everyone and show them Christ through their actions and words, the people do one of two things. One - they send the problem away (i.e. South America, Mercy House, etc.). Two - they Bible beat the situation. Instead of developing a personal relationship with a person, these people avoided it. Jesus invested in relationships with people. 12 revolutionary relationships changed the world. How much more should we invest in relationships with other people?

This movie has a real relevance to the modern world in a positive light for Christians. OPEN YOUR EYES! Look around. The things in the movie are happening to teenagers all across the United States, so why not try to show or find a Biblical way to deal with these things instead of treating these people like lepers!

Just a thought, a long one.

Other comments on this movie:

Interview with Macaulay Culkin
“Saved” Movie Upsets Christian Teens

Macaulay Culkin Talks About "Saved!"

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