
mood? hmmmm...
music? Innocence - Jeremy Camp
muse? Psalm 13:5

I don't know what's going on in my life right now. I don't want to vent here, because I think I'm gonna go yell somewhere; listen and you'll probably hear me. This has been the weirdest week. Grades have been good though. I got an 86 on my psych test, a B on my Comp Tech test, an 89 on my speech I gave Tuesday ( and an extra 100 grade in that class too ), and I just knocked my Sociology test out! So that's weird and a lot of other things have been goin on too. Chatanooga was cool. I'll never forget playin ultimate in a construction zone in downtown Chatanooga with all the guys. ( I'll get pictures up soon. ) God is really convicting a lot of disciplines in m life right now, like prayer. I have prayed more in the last 3 weeks than I can ever remember praying before. It's amazing the difference it makes. My QTs have been rocking out too. I completely identify with Jeremiah when he's looking at God and he's like "why? I'll go, but why?" (Jeremiah 20:7-18) It's wild and crazy.

Anyway, God has really taught me a lot through Jeremiah lately. How human he was, but how much of a servant he was too. In all our humanity, we can still serve God. Think on that.

(thanks Candy)

Remember God so much that you are forgotten.
Let the caller and the called disappear;
be lost in the Call. read all of it here

I wish this was me diving into God's plan for my life...

1 Response to "Curveball"

  • Anonymous Says:

    Jon- just wanted to say hey and tell you i love you! you're the best neighbor a girl could ask for...shh, don't tell Ryan i said that! thanks for being there for me and know i'm here for you! if nothing else, always know you have a singing partner :)