Fatal Boredom! Take Thine Vengeance!

mood? bored outta my mind!
music? Mustang Ford - Walking Concert
muse? 1 Corinthians 13

Just to update: I'm doing awesome right now! God has shown me several key things in my past hurt and pain. Not to say I don't deal with those things regularlly, but I don't get frustrated about them, because that never helps. I'm really learning to wait on the Lord, and take things in stride. To not be so intense about so many things. I've had a great weekend so far (parks, swings, movies, church and frisbee) and I believe it's going to end well too! I've just had time to hang out and relax, and its an awesome precursor to my spring break. I'm so glad that it is here, and to top it off I don't have any homework. Earlier I was going to sit down and do my reading for class (and I wasn't dreading it either) and it dawned on me... I don't have any! Get that!

Awesome service this morning on finding a Godly mate. Dr. Don, Seth, and Caz all did an awesome job. They really spoke to me about what I need to do. I really have a desire to be married, though not this very second. : ) But I have come back to the verse in Luke 12. Verse 31: "But seek His kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well." The way I interpret this is that if we seek after God, then He will provide for us. He will provide our needs. I think God desires us to have our desires, because once we let our will become God's will our desires become God's own desires for our life. (this might seem like rambling) So, this may seem like I am just manipulating God's word, but I really believe that I am supposed to be wed one day, and that God has given me that desire.

Anyway, check out Walking Concert if you haven't yet. A pretty cool little band. I like 'em.
Later guys and gals,

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