
So I was definitely driving down the road this morning, and listening to HisRadio, which is rare, and a song came on. Last night Rach and I had a long talk about a lot of different things. And I know where I stand with God, and I did then as well. (That is that I know that my relationship with God is good and correct and heartfelt.) But this morning a song came on and it blew me away. I've heard it a thousand times before, but I had never paid much attention to one of the lines of the song.

And somehow all that matters now is
You are holy, holy

Nichole Nordeman - Holy

That struck me like a 2x4 to the back of the head. It's not about the day in day out. It never was and I knew and know that. It's not about the struggles that I deal with daily (which I try not to focus on). but its about seeing God as Holy and crying that out! We were made to worship... If we seek God in everything we do, then God will reveal Himself to us in everything and allow us to worship Him. How amazing is that?
As Crowder says in the first introduction to his book Praise Habit:
This is the Praise Habit. Finding God moment by revelatory moment, in the sacred and the mundane, in the valley and on the hill, in triumph and tragedy, and living praise erupting because of it. This is what we were made for.

1 Response to "somehow..."

  • Anonymous Says:

    hey, so how are you liking journey of desire? --brandy