Folly Beach...

mood? mellow man... mellow
music? A Boy Named Sue - Johnny Cash
muse? Jeremiah 12

I had a lot of fun this weekend. I wouldn't change it... Folly Beach was a blast and despite things happening, it's still memorable. I wish everyone could have come. Cookin burgers over the open flame (with no utensils), a hideously huge racoon getting into our food, big booty on the beach @ 1:30 am!, gah I LOVE CHARLESTON! (don't know if I'd live there though... way to many sand gnats) The wildest part was that the 7 of us (yes 4 girls and 3 guys) had to all sleep in the same tent, b/c the tent that I bought was rank as all get out... Tons of fun though.

I got to walk on the beach alone some which was good, because there wasn't any alone time otherwise... LOL. God and I talked a lot during those 2 short walks and I did a lot of listening. God is so amazing... it's like He made me or something and knows me better than I know myself! Patience and waiting on God is tough, especially when I want to jump in and go full speed, completely in control! However, God allowed me to watch an amazing sunrise yesterday morning... it was too beautiful to put into words... but that was just it! I had to be patient and wait and watch! The process was gorgeous! I think about David and how he was a man after God's own heart, but did you see the struggles and the waiting and growing that he had to endure? I long to be a man that God says is after his own heart... Ok the rant is done

Take control of the atmosphere
Take me far away from here
There is no better loss than to lose myself in You
In a parachute to glide, I am captive in Your sky
Surrender has somehow become so beautiful

Take control of the atmosphere, take control of the atmosphere
You can take my world you can fill the air
Take control, take control

It's such a beautiful surrender

Move me up through the darkest clouds
Till I've lost in the sun every shadow of doubt
There is no better find than to find myself with you
In a fog you are all I see
I'm inviting you closer with each time I breathe
Surrender has somehow become so beautiful

Take control of the atmosphere, take control of the atmosphere
There is no reason I should breathe unless you're in the air
Take control

It's such a beautiful surrender, it's such a beautiful surrender
And I'm calling out, would you take control, and I'm calling out

"Control" - Mute Math


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