Swingin Again!

mood? worn out
music? Heavy Hearted Work of Staggering Genius - Anberlin
muse? 1 Corinthians 13:7

Swing dancing is so much fun. and Haley is so small, and easy to throw around (makes it really easy to learn things). It's a ton of fun just letting loose and all the people there will help you learn new things too!

I really hope that today turns out really good. I'm afraid that it won't. A morbid thought I know, but it's more like there's a burden on my heart and I don't know why. I don't have to understand things and that's alright. Kevin really gave me some insight last night that I needed and I'm going to try and use on several levels. I don't exactly understand what's going on in life right now. "I know you understand it all. So why don't I get back on my feet again?"

On a lighter note, my desires are becoming more and more God's desires, and it's scary. I don't want them to go out of control, and this is a huge step of faith. So maybe its not so much a lighter note.

Why is this happening to me? Why is my heart gushing out all of this? Sew it up if it's not right, Father. Protect me. If I am meant to have this overflow, exactly like this, then I couldn't be happier... But God if it's not of You and You're not really in this like I see you in it, then cut it off. It will hurt if that happens, but Your will and plan is greater than my own. If this is meant to be, then it will be so pure and beautiful. I can't wait, but I will wait and be patient.

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