Chowan College

mood? tired...
music? Chris Tomlin - How Great is Our God
muse? 2 Timothy 4:17

So I don't know what's bothering me at the moment, but there seems to be a ripple in my heart that won't quite settle. Hmmm...

I'm really psyched about the kids coming on Monday. It's gonna be awesome. I really hope that God prepares me as I seek Him and prepare myself. It's going to be a long week and I'm gonna be dead tired on thursday after camping out with some kids. Yes! I'm so pumped about backpacking with them. I know that God is going to pour strength into me this week and I claim that promise! Here am I, send me!

I have a really good friend that has a birthday coming up soon, and it greatly upsets me that I can't be there with said person on that day. I miss all my friends, but God is showing me great things where I am, and I wouldn't trade that even to be with them. I just hope and pray that God will use me. I have no idea what kids are coming and what their pasts are, but I know that I am here to love them until they go back home. BRING 'EM ON!!!

I don't know if anyone reads this since I'm not online for people to check, but if you do: I wish you the best week you could ever have, and that God would break you and change you and rebuild you. Sounds like an oxymoron, but it's not.... LOL

Well, I'm gonna hit the sack, I'm dead tired. G'night

"You reveal the path of life to me;
in You presence is abundant joy;
in Your right hand are eternal pleasures." Psalm 16:11

2 Response to "Chowan College"

  • Anonymous Says:

    Hello Jon
    I read your blog today.
    I pray God will give you needed strength.
    God has a plan for each child coming to camp.
    You are a part of that plan.
    I Pray that God will reveal moment by moment what you should say and do.
    God Bless,

  • Anonymous Says:

    hey holliday
    i read you blog. sounds like you're supper excited and ready to serve. i pray that you maintain that fire and passion throughout the summer. and that you're heart and love for God will be sooo obvious to the children. have an awesome time man and i'm praying for you!

    jamie 4