Georgetown - Week #1

mood? ready and waiting
music? Jimmy Eat World - Polaris
muse? Psalm 27:8

So, I definitely feel like I'm in such a different place than I've ever been. It's like an escape from life. You just constantly pour yourself into these kids that are around you and once you think your at the end of yourself (pouring it all out); it's at that moment that you begin to pour out what isn't of you and is all of God. I don't understand it or claim to, in fact it doesn't make much sense at all. I just know that what I'm doing is not me and it's all God. I really like psalm 27. "In Your behalf my heart says, "Seek My face." LORD, I will seek Your face." If you're reading this, pray for the kids that we come in contact with this summer and that God will use us to deliver what He wants them to hear. I'm pumped about it.

I've come to another eppifany in my life. I really really really desire companionship. Not like friend companionship, but like a female/wife companionship. I don't know why this is surfacing so hard right now but it is. I desire to love someone that deeply. I know this is normal, but it's just extremely strong right now, and it doesn't help that I'm not allowed to have an "exclusive relationship" with other staffers. I don't want that because I know it will cause interference, but I'm not after any of the girls on staff either. It just doesn't help when you want something and it is denied to you. This does not mean I'm on a girl hunt. It just means I need to express my heart right this moment. Ok I'm done. I'm not empty, but I'm spent!


4 Response to "Georgetown - Week #1"

  • Anonymous Says:

    Just know that I am praying for the kids to whom you all are ministering. I pray also for God's strength and wisdom to be evident to you just now.

    It is good to know how to specifically pray for your needs. I enjoy reading your reflections. May God continue to bless His ministry!

  • Anonymous Says:

    Hey, I love to read your post, I Love what you are doing for these kids it is Awesome, and I can tell God is working through you, and reaching these kids. I was thinking of working at my old summer camp in PA called Pine Springs but then I had to take summer classes, so maybe next year.

    Well I am off, I started reading Mere Christianity Today, and it has made me think alot. Well, I will be praying for you. Keep in touch

  • Anonymous Says:

    You know that I have been praying for you and the children you will be around. I think what you are doing is awesome. I wish we could come see you and I am trying to figure out a way.

    God will lead you regarding a close friend and companion. I know the right person is just in the wings. You are a great son!!

    God Bless, DNH

  • Anonymous Says:

    Hey, J. I don't know you, but I just happened upon your site and wanted to encourage you. You seem like an awesome guy and I know God has the perfect woman for you. Keep on doing what you're doing and when she comes around, make sure you recognize her and pursue her. Being a young, single Christian woman, I know that this is so important to women. We don't want to make the first move. When you meet the girl for you, pursue her (before and after you get married) and you will never regret it. :