Humpty Dump Training - Day #1

mood? thrilled and stuff!
music? as cities burn - love, jealous one love
muse? Psalm 24:8

I've had a great week! It's been by far the most organized I've ever been and the most exhausted I've been in a really really long time. Disc Games is running for the first time all summer, and it's been amazing. I've had 14 kids who are all about some frisbee and ultimate. I've taught them throws and they've all had an absolute blast.

I don't know why but God has been continually bringing me back to Psalm 24:8. It says: Who is this King of Glory? The Lord, Strong and Mighty I really like what it has to say. It describes God is three ways that are all a part of Him. He is the King of Glory, or King over all Glory. He is the Lord - the Master of my heart. He is strong and mighty! - He can overcome everything! How great is that! He is so glorious that we cannot even look upon Him. If the angels shine like lightening, then how much brighter is Father God, Himself??? He is so strong, but still chooses to spend time with us and to seek a relationship with us! A relationship that I know I negate all too often. This might seem like a bunch of ramblings and it probably is, but this is where God has me right now: Seeking His gloriousness and His face.

Camp is going wonderfully and I love it because God is the center. Please pray for us in the weeks to come and talk to me. I can get emails and txt messages. I'll put up pics soon I hope.

(The Title is because Humpty Dump is a really exhausting song we do for the kids. It's so exhausting that we probably need to train for it so we aren't so tired when it's over! So the training shall begin. Any suggestions on how to train are very welcome.)

3 Response to "Humpty Dump Training - Day #1"

  • Anonymous Says:

    This might seem like a bunch of ramblings...

    I like your ramblings.

    -- Liz

  • Anonymous Says:

    Well I think its kewl that the kids like the ultimate, cause well its kewl. This humpty dumpty song sounds quite intersting, you should show it to me when you get home, no nevermind I won't put you through any torture. Your ramblings are fun to read. Well I will talk to u soon, I can't wait to see the pics.


  • Anonymous Says:

    I just wanted to say I'm praying and I get to play ultimate at the beach this week... With MY youth group... Pray for me as well! Much love to ya man! Call me sometime we should catch up...
    Angela--Or as my youth calls me ANGLE-LA!!!