Time just flies...

mood? contemplative
music? Gavin DeGraw - Follow Through
muse? Psalm 31:4-5

Have you every had things go wonderfully in a day, then all of the sudden something just seems to ruin it? I don't get it. I really do my best, but I don't fully understand. I don't expect anyone else to either. In the 31st psalm and verse 20 it says "You hide [those who fear You] in the protection of Your presence; You conceal them in a shelter from the schemes of men, from quarrelsome tongues." That's exactly what I am praying right now. Not so much from the schemes of me, but for the protection and the hiding place. I want that so bad. Every time I seek harder for God and let Him take control, the more I come into conflict with things. I seriously believe that it is Satan. That might sound crazy to some, but I honestly believe it.

Despite all of that, God has given me a spirit of joy and has encouraged me in so very many ways! I'm reading through the psalms and I'm overcome at the ways that David and the other psalmists praise and crave and seek God. It befuddles me. It's a contradictory point, but it's reality for me right now.

There are blessings in everything; you just have to look hard to find it sometimes. That's to say that God can use anything (and does) for His Glory, not neccesarily for ours.


4 Response to "Time just flies..."

  • Anonymous Says:

    Isaiah 43:2-3. Read it. It really helped me while in KY and everything seemed to go wrong. Prayin for ya.

    Much <3 in Christ,

  • Anonymous Says:

    know that I love you and continue to pray for you. I enjoy reading your blog. when we are for God the most is when satan pushes back the hardest.

    Love you,


  • Anonymous Says:

    The verse I hang on to so much is in Colossians. "He is before all things and in Him all things hold together." Colo. 1:17 NASB

    It does seem that when I make a concerted effort to walk as closely as possible with my Saviour that all kinds of weird things happen. Jonathan, I mean, really bizarre things! You are right. Satan does want to discourage us. He wants us to think that God can't and won't help us. Just know that God loves you so much that He laid down His very life so that you could have everlasting life with Him in Heaven and abundant life here on this earth! Remember the old gospel song, "He Never Failed Me Yet!" Hang in there and know that you are being held in the everlasting arms of your Saviour. It is those very nail-pierced hands that are reaching out to you even now. He loves you and your mama does too!

  • Anonymous Says:

    Jonathan, I think I've told you this before, but you're so lucky to have parents like yours. I mean, wow!

    -- Liz