
music? Michael Jackson or Alien Ant Farm - Smooth Criminal

Holy crap. Why can't people just give me a break. I ask simply "What would W. E. B. Du Bois think about society now since we're more integrated than when was alive?" Automatically, a black girl in my class, who by the way fit the complete "white girl, sorority" look, said she didn't see how "white" culture and African American culture have integrated at all! I wanted to explode! Music as a whole has been influenced by blacks. Including rock and pop. (Enter Michael Jackson and Jimi Hendrix) Colin Powell is black and was the secretary of state for 4 years, and one of the best in history if I might say so. Condoleeza Rice, whether or not you think BLACK - FEMALE when you see her, is in the Presidential Cabinet for a second term. If this girl is right, then Eminem isn't white because he is definitely the definition of the merging cultures. We go to school together, we eat together, the Klan is underground and doesn't exist in many places at all anymore. I'm so freaking lost as to how this girl is blind to the collision of cultures. (I'm sorry, maybe I missed the fact that she drives a better car than I do and she has the money to pay to be in a sorority.)

This irks.

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