
the tunes? Que'Onda Guero - Beck

I'm officially on a Beck kick. I don't know why, and yes I know you have to be outta your head to like some of his stuff, but I can't help it. It's got a beat and it's freakin' disgusting how creative he is. I mean c'mon! Who else can pull a hit song out of 2 lines?

Where it's at
I got 2 turntables and a microphone

It doesn't make much sense, well most of the songs don't. Anyway I just figured that I'd share that and I think that if you're bored and if you like music the check out Guero, his most recent project.

Outside of that, life is rolling on. I'm about to hit exams like a porsche hitting a brick wall at full throttle. I can't wait for Christmas, but man I'm gonna miss some friends. Hopefully I can find some music to give me some solace... Go figure, me and music. Oh yeah, the guy that they were interviewing for the music minister job kinda turned it down, so I might have the worship leading paid gig for a while longer, which I love. But we'll see how long it lasts.

Holla Back

1 Response to "Beck"

  • Anonymous Says:

    You fail to realize that you are out of your head.