
So I took a walk last night, and prayed a whole lot and stood in amazement and sang, etc.

It was igniting. I found that God is incomprehensible.

He is so much larger than I can even fathom.

Crowder put it really well in Praise Habit:
"We've become uncomfortably numb to the truth that our destination is the feet of the Holy Other-Than Transcendent Creator King of All Heaven and Earth. We are numb and uncomfortably content. We've built churches and sermons to make Himtame and accessible, to make Him seem approachable as one who fits neatly into our lives, and we forget that His is the voice of thunder and lightning. Our comfort is unsettling. It is an uncomfortable comfort."

God is incredibly breathtaking and captivating.

Have you ever watched the sun set or rise? Why?
What caused you to sit for such a period of time?

Was it the awe of the beauty that the sunrise or sunset?
God is so much larger than the sunset. In fact, he created it.
How glorious?

Doesn't that make our salvation huge beyond all reason.
If God is so large (beyond our comprehension large) then how much more amazing is our salvation.

The clearer the picture of God I recieve, from whatever (the Bible, circumstances, prayer, sermons, etc.) the more I realize how far we fell and how much farther I really do have to go to be where God wants me to be.

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