Merciful Revolutionaries...

Hillsong United - United We Stand
the Irresistible Revolution
by Shane Claiborne

"Conservatives stand up and thank God that they are not like the homosexuals, the Muslims, the liberals. Liberals stand up and thank God that they are not like the war makers, the yuppies, the conservatives. It is a similar self-righteousness, just with different definitions of evildoing. It can paralyze us in judgement and guilt and rob us of life. Rather than separating ouselves from everyone we consider impure, maybe we are better off just beating our chests and praying that God would be merciful enough to save us from this present ugliness and to make our lives so beautiful that people cannot resist that mercy." (Page 252, The Irresistible Revolution)

Disclaimer: This book is rivetting. It may cause a lifestyle change in you. However, it will also offend. It is encouraging to see Christ followers thinking outside of a political box and trying to passionately seek Christ and be covered in the dust from His sandals, even to the cross.

1 Response to "Merciful Revolutionaries..."

  • Katie Says:

    I love Hillsong United! I discovered them at CofC this past year. Two of my favorite songs that they do (out of many good ones on their latest cd...which is all I've heard yet) are "Til I See You" and "All For Love"

    ttyl jono! much love! : )