
I cry for the church
(and I don't often cry)
I hurt for so many 'Christian'
They give lip service to Christ on Sunday,
but they never embrace His Will for their lives

Why? (You answer that)

So many have found the joy, but those are so few
and the world is filled with 'Christians' who don't have it
so those in the church need to have a reawakening
Teach me to long for you like the next breath I breathe
Teach me to always be thirsty for the next word
that you will whisper to me
Teach me!
I am willing
Show me how to show others!

I'm lost.
I can't find a way to remedy this
Mi madre y yo had a long conversation tonight about this.
She said some things that made a lot of sense...
but it still hurts
I can only worry about my relationship with God
and follow, forsaking everything else

I wish people would irrationally follow Christ
If God provides for the sparrow
Then why should we worry where our next meal is going to come from?
We should fully rely on God's providence

But it hurst, because there are so many who are hungry
the church isn't seeking them out to feed or clothe them
or know them

Why, O God, don't you shout from the heavens
and declare your love for those people?
so that your 'people' will rise up and
care for them?
Sing His praises all the children who claim His name!
Follow Him without waivering!
Seek HIM and fine eternal joy and fulfillment!
Just run to HIM
Don't just give money, give because it's all that's left to give
Give it all and don't hold back
Be fully reliant
and fully commited
dive in
ruin yourselves for anything else
but the work of the Father

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