My Bleeding Heart...

So, life is pretty good. I have issues just like everyone does. I get irritated with my girlfriend. I get ticked at my friends, but I enjoy life and try to build on the relationships as much as possible. And I've come to a realization, which is huge.
I'm a bleeding-heart liberal...
Or at least a moderate. Thanks to Courtney, I realized it. I think I've always been...

Anyway, I've begun to make some huge realizations about myself. Like that I'm not perfect, and I won't be till Kingdom Come, and I've accepted that. If I screw up, I'll be alright and I shouldn't try and hide it because its part of who I am and Jesus loves me anyway. If other Christians take issue with that then they need to read Romans again.

I'm trying to figure out what I want to go to grad school for. I'm kinda stuck though. I want to get a masters in Social Theory, but padre takes issue with that. "Jonathan, what kind of job are you going to pursue with that?" I DON'T KNOW! I love sociology. It's fascinating. Everything relates to it. Or I could get an M Div which would help me in my profession if I work in a church, which is very very likely. And I like learning about Christian history and Jewish culture (I've taken a few courses on it) but Hermeneutics and Systematic Theology don't sound too enticing...

So keep me in your prayers and I'll do the same for you.
Later kids,

1 Response to "My Bleeding Heart..."

  • Anonymous Says:

    I am glad you have realized everything that you have. I haven't talked to you in a while and I have been in desperate need of Jonathan time, mainly because I need your advice on a few things. I miss you buddy, I am glad you have realized that you aren't perfect. TTYL
