Holes to heaven...

So I finally picked up Jack Johnson's album On and On and I have basically fallen in love with a song. No it's not ridiculous, but Holes to Heaven has just captured the moment I'm in...

I'm here in the real world fighting to get what I need to done, through whatever means, in a rough environment (albeit, not as rough as India) but just trying to get things done. Being a kid was where it was at though, less stress, just kinda floating on, not really caring what was important or going on. Just to be one of the kids playing cricket with bare feet.

"and there were so many fewer questions when
star were still just the holes to heaven... mmhmmmmm..."

Oh, innocence...

Reading: Goodbye Tsugumi by Banana Yoshimoto
Listening: Lemonade by G Love
On and On by Jack Johnson

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