
Mood? Rockin'
Music? Amplify by Roper
Penny and Me by Hanson (*yes Hanson, listen to it and don't critisize me...)
Muse? Jeremiah 5:17

So, at this point in Jeremiah, God has told His people to return to Him and they still don't listen. And Jeremiah has pleaded with God and God (simply put) has asked Jeremiah why He should spare such an adulterous, filthy people? Honestly, he shouldn't have. So He prophesied that they would be conquered by an ancient nation through Jeremiah.

What really struck me in this passage though was the last part of verse 17. It says "With the sword they will destroy the fortified cities you trust in". That kinda hit me funny. "...the fortified cities you trust in" I know that God has stated again and again that these, His rebellious Israel, have continually been praying to other gods, who aren't even gods, but only stone and wood. Even still, they trust in things that they made. It seems to me that the people of Israel are only trusting in things that they can make and control. The idols are made, the cities are made. How can we trust in something that we make, even though we are so incredibly flawed as humans? WE CAN'T. It's impossible to trust in something when you know all its weak points and where it might be structurally flawed. God's people trusted in these flawed, "fortified" cities when they knew that they were imperfect, and yet they still did not return to God as He asked them to.

Is that whats happening to the world today? Is that why the church is so divided? Are we so consumed with what we are going to contribute to the world, add to civilization and, yes, make that we can't see that we are falling into the jaws of Hell? We must return to God, and He will use us as He sees fit. How dare we trust in our own creations. God is the only one who can create anything perfect, and when He did, aka Garden of Eden, we screwed it up.

Maybe I'm just rambling, but I would love to know what you think about all this. Do we trust in what we make so much, that we don't leave room for God to work in what we are doing?

I'm out like a bad habit...
btw => GO VOTE on Nov. 2nd

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