
mood? exhilarated!
music? The Endings - Blindside
God of Creation - David Crowder*Band
muse? God's magnificent creation!
(specifically mountains)

I don't know why, but mountains seem to be continually coming to my mind. I was about to blog, and I just happened to check out the Blogger Buzz and the first article on there was about a solo attempt on Mount Everest by Gavin Bate. Just so you know, this is incredibly dangerous and I wish I was with him. It's one of my dreams to climb some of the biggest mountains in the world! I've climbed Mt. Kenya, and just being on top, even for such a short time, was phenomol! I was above the clouds! The view was breath-taking (and believe me I didn't have much breath at that height so it was amazing)! If you have ever been on top of a mountain you can sort of understand what I'm talking about. Mt. Kenya is surrounded by hills, but it is not in a mountain chain. So I was looking way way down to see the flat savannah plains. Oh to see that again.

Mountains are such a reminder of how incredible God is. Moses had to climb mount Sinai to receive the 10 Commandments. Jesus went up to the Mount of Olives to pray before the crucifixion. Mountains are mentioned in almost every book of the Bible. They are a constant symbol of God's power and greatness. and Jesus even in talked about them in Matthew 17:20, reffering to faith. "He replied, 'Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.'" I don't know exactly where I am going with this except to say that God is incredible, and His creations astound me every single day. wow. so next time you're driving through the mountains, just take some time (but don't get distracted from the road) and take in the sheer beauty of God's mountains that he formed with His own hands. How much more carefully did He create us?


oh yeah if you want to keep up with Gavin's Climb check it out here: Everest Post 2005

1 Response to "Mountains"

  • Anonymous Says:

    You don't know how God has used this.
