
mood? happy/upset stomach (is that a mood?)
music? Spymob - German Test Drive
muse? Psalm 8:3-4

So, my stomach is royally disturbed... I will never eat a milkshake at Denny's again... at least not until next week. lol. So, since I can't sleep due to this horrid stomach and it's ache's and pains. I wish it would stop complaining. errrgg... maybe it was the fact that I ate too much at the Beacon... dang Beacon burgers are so good, but so filling... or maybe it was the Stouffer's that we had tonight at the B... I don't know and honestly I really don't care. I'm wide awake now, and not feeling so hot.

So I'm reading a new book. And it was an accident that I even got it. I was in Barnes and Noble on Tuesday night and I needed something to occupy me while others were studying or talking about things that didn't interest me. WELL... I happened to walk by one of the display tables (like you could even walk in B&N without walking by at least 14.5 of them) and this nifty little book called The Alchemist was sitting there. So I proceeded to pick it up, just for kicks... I think it was destiny that I find this book. I don't read very many fiction books anymore. I only read the classics like Hard Times, The Unvanquished, the Three Musketeers, etc., but this book has refreshed me and has shown me that there is some sort of hope for fictional books out there. Danielle Steele is not the future of fiction! Thank God... ! So this book is about a boy who is in his search for his Personal Legend. It's really amazing the religious comments that are slipped in this book. It's not as though they don't flow, but they are incredibly evident. for example... *clears throat* "I couldn't have found God in the seminary, he [Santiago] thought, as he looked at the sunrise." (pg. 10) "...The alchemists spent years in their laboratories, observing the fire that purified the metals. They spent so much time close to the fire that gradually they gave up the vanities of the world. They discovered that the purification of the metals had led to a purification of themselves." (pg. 81) Ok. so the 2nd quote is vague, but it makes sense in context. You'd have to read the book to understand. So do it... God buy it. its cheaper at B&N, but not so back on Amazon either.

So I'm realizing more and more that love (not romantic love, but real love between friends) demand compromise. Not as in the compromise of values, but more of personality and personal preference. People are so much more important than silly issues and stupid problems. Friends teach us so much about ourselves and they are our support system. I love my friends and wouldn't give the world for them. Well maybe the world, but only if they live in it! Sometimes, I want to knock some of them in the head with a 2x4, with nails in it... but I get over that and understand that I'm being as much of a knucklehead as the other person is...


I've really been praying the psalms the past few days. Starting from the beginning. When I say pray them. I'll begin praying to God about everything that is on my heart. Then open up the good book and begin to read the psalms to God. They're for his pleasure anyway right? But when I read a line that speaks to me, I'll make it more personal for whatever is going on in that moment in my heart and life. and then I'll continue to read once I've exhausted my heart's preoccupation with that line. I've even done it several times on the same psalm in the same sitting. It's really refreshing and interesting. I get a ton out of it. If the psalms praise God, and yet express our daily struggles then why not make them personal?

psalm (עברית) - To sing of or celebrate in psalms.

So we are to celebrate our daily struggles and our daily joys, because the psalms are certainly chock full of groans and crys from the heart of the psalmist. I don't always like what God allows to happen, but it happens, and *gulp* sometimes Satan pushes us closer to God. Let me explain. When we realize that we cannot overcome Satan's obstacles on our own, we turn to God and draw closer to Him. The closer we draw to God, the higher the hurdles are. Ok. I'm mentally out of it now.

Brandy - Gosh, it's good to talk to you again. It's so refreshing. Psalm 17:9 Remember that! You're such a good friend. I just hate that I don't get to talk to you more. Rest easy and rest in God.

I know this is a long post, and I commend you for finishing it if you have. And as I know your time is valuable you don't necessarily have to comment, but if you would like then it's open to everyone and you don't have to be a member to comment either. just pick anonymous and put your initials.

Interesting word:

4 Response to "עברית"

  • Anonymous Says:

    So, Dani and I were wondering just what it was that we were talking about that was so uninteresting? Oh well, sorry we're such bad company. But hey, at least you found a good book! =) ~Megan~

  • Anonymous Says:

    "Sometimes, I want to knock some of them in the head with a 2x4, with nails in it... but I get over that and understand that I'm being as much of a knucklehead as the other person is..."

    I feel exactly the same way about you, lol.

    "I don't always like what God allows to happen, but it happens, and *gulp* sometimes Satan pushes us closer to God. Let me explain. When we realize that we cannot overcome Satan's obstacles on our own, we turn to God and draw closer to Him. The closer we draw to God, the higher the hurdles are. Ok. I'm mentally out of it now."

    I don't think you were too out of it on that. It's like what I was telling you about Galatians 3:24, in our weakness, we have to rely on God's strength to resist the temptations that come our way, which draws us closer to God, which makes Satan ticked and he brings it even more, and it goes right back to us relying on God's strength, and on and on.

    Just want to say how much I enjoy reading everything you write. God uses you like you wouldn't believe. I know you'll say it's not you...I know it's not from you...but I can see your heart for Him, how you pursue Him, and that is something only you can do.

    Ok, I'm gonna shut up now so you won't go find a 2x4.

    Much <3 in Christ,

  • justsittingthere Says:

    wow liz, that was awesome!

  • Holliday Says:

    That's great... haha
    Nah I'm not lactose intolerant. But I appreciate it. I drink my fair share of milk.
    Thanks man.