
mood? don't know
music? Chevelle - Breach Birth
muse? 1 John 4:10

Maybe I'm the only one... I don't really know. I want people to know me. Do you? However, I don't want everyone knowing everything about me. It's something that one has to earn. Not prove themselves worthy of, but try to become a closer friend. I feel as though some people just try to figure other people out for the sheer fact of figuring them out. I HATE that. and no hate is not too strong of a word. I am not something to be figured out. I am not a science. I am person, an individual. The only labels that I want are those that I myself accept. I am a Christian, and a conservative. That's it. Beyond that, I am me. Don't try to decipher who I am based on someone else's theories or philosophies. Get to know me. Spend time with me. Ask me questions. The goal of a friendship is not to figure someone out. It is to enjoy the time that you have with that person, and to support and rebuke that person. Not to just figure them out. Knowing someone comes from time spent doing those other things. Loving a friend is all it's about. Not knowing how. Not labelling them as a person who loves in certain ways more than others. Most of the time I feel very very very loved by a lot by a lot of people. I'm very blessed. DO NOT try to love me based on something else. Just be my friend... Love in whatever way that comes naturally. Don't change what you do for me... that would be ridiculous. If someone does something out of the ordinary and special for someone else: that shows love. If someone shows a desire to spend time with someone else: that shows love. The list goes on. So many things show love and make others feel love. So, just show it. Don't be concerned. If you really love a friend, then that friend will know it. The closer friends become, the more aware of the love for each other they become.

be my friend...
get to know me...
don't classify me...

"This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins." 1 John 4:10

I don't know if anyone agrees, and honestly it doesn't matter. I don't fit some mold, and I don't want to. I am myself. Know me, don't just try and figure me out.

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