mood? my throat hurts...
music? Bethany Dillon - Great Big Mystery
muse? Psalm 6:6-7

So, my throat hurts and I have nothing inspirational or deep to say. I just feel like posting. Predominantly, just because I can. haha! but yeah...

So here's my exam schedule for this semester if anyone at all is interested.

Spring 2005
Dept Crs Exam Date Exam Time
SSOC W101 Wednesday, April 27 11:30 AM
SCSC W138 Wednesday, April 27 3:00 PM
SSPH W201 Thursday, April 28 3:00 PM
SPSY W101 Friday, April 29 8:00 AM
SHST W111 Monday, May 2 3:00 PM

yeah I know Ihave an exam in less than 2 hrs, but I'm ready for it!

So Saint and I were talkin last night and I figured something out, and this has to do with something we talked about in dship too. As Christians we can really push our values on others that aren't Christians, and that is wrong. How dare we... We can't force our beliefs on someone else. That doesn't mean that the other person is right, but we are supposed to rebuke and correct fellow Christians, and evangelize the gentiles. We aren't supposed to make the gentiles do what we do when they don' even understand why. I want comments on this!

Ok I'm out. Listen to the song. I'm gone.
(note on the muse, I'm not depressed or anything, I just think its amazing how the psalmist groans and he really truly is in agony until God saves him.)

I wish our B&N was like this one!

8 Response to " "

  • Anonymous Says: would be totally awesome if our b&n was like that! i think we need to take a road trip!!!

  • Anonymous Says:

    I agree with your thoughts on making the Gentiles do what we do when they don't even understand. We hold non-believers up to our standard of conduct (hopefully, that's the Bible) when they can't ever reach that without the Holy Spirit. Expect non-Christians to act like non-Christians and expect Christians to be more and more like Christ.

  • Anonymous Says:

    Wow... What you and Saint were talking about is exactly what Nicole and I were talking about last night... Freaky! Our's came around because of a TV show that was on last night and neither one of us was really paying attention to it until they started to talk about why the one guy didn't believe in God... And both Nicole and I turned to watch the TV at the same time! His views were exactly what we hear all the time... The don't believe because we try to FORCE them to believe and in the end drive them away... Anyway random weirdness... I wish you and Saint would stop bugging our conversations seriously!
    Only the Coolest Person Alive...

  • Anonymous Says:

    I think the absolute worst way someone can go about arguing their beliefs to someone else is to push what they believe on to another person. That only shows that the "pusher" has no respect for the other person. I'm not saying you have to agree with the other person, but you have to listen. How can you help someone if you arent listening? Also, telling someone they are going to "hell" for what they believe is another bad way. Personally, I would rather hear the good aspects then "hell and damnation." If you think about it...if you are pushing your beliefs onto someone, shouldnt you go back and reevaluate yourself and your beliefs?
    Oh yeah, i wish our B&N was like that...too bad it isnt.

  • Anonymous Says:

    I'm commenting...cause I can!

    On a more serious, spiritual note, I wrote something in my blog sort of similar to this. If you want to go read, you're welcome to.

    -- Liz

  • Anonymous Says:

    I wish our Barns and Nobel was like that too, I could get lost in a many books in there for days.....Oh the thought of it makes me smile. :-D

  • Anonymous Says:

    Hey, I've been there! Yeah that Barnes and Noble is the bomb, there is a humungo fish tank inside and soo many books. Plus there is an ESPNZone right next to it so it is pretty much one of the seven wonders of the world. Anywho, hope your having an awesome week John, see ya.

  • Anonymous Says:

    So i don't know if you will look back at this, but something you just wrote struck me about last night. Fellow christians are allowed to rebuke other fellow Christians. In my opinion relationships between christains do look different from other relationships for this simple fact that we abide in Christ for Christ. We are suppose to call each other out on sin when we see it. It's like we are in the process of life for the simple fact that we are to glorify Christ. In that glorification,he is sanctifying us. He uses other believers around us to convict us of our sin. It's like for the rest of my entire life I want to continue to learn more and more about the gospel and see my inadequacy in my life that will make me run so hard to the foot of the cross where the ground is level. I defintely agree that Christians somtimes don't have the best motives and they try to push their values on someone else, but ultimately we are human and there is grace...that's the reason that we are different right? If we abide in love just as Jesus has commanded his children to do then everything will work according for his purpose. It's when we act out of anger or we feel threatened does the element of sin come out. I hope this makes sense..I am all over the place.