DG Formal

mood? happy - done with school!
music? mewithoutYou - Seven Sisters
muse? Psalm 16:7-8

So, it's been a week since I've updated, and it's been a good week. Exams are over, and now I'm only waiting on 2 more grades. I got a B in psychology and public speaking (should've had an A) and an A in comp (go figure). I'll have an A in Sociology, but I don't know about History. Probably a C will show it's ugly face, but it's still an overall successful semester. I'm happy. :)

This weekened, aside from the attack of the infamous allergies, was really very good. the DG formal on saturday night was a lot of fun. I'm really glad that Kathy asked me to go. Speaking of...

here's my hot date for the Delta Gamma formal Posted by Hello

and her roomate too LOL Posted by Hello

it was a lot of fun and I've got a ton of pictures, so if you want to see more jut ask. I've got a ton of really odd pictures too... like this one...

this is what happens late at night, when everyone's tired... Posted by Hello

I imagine I'm going to get killed for these pictures being on the internet, but it's so completely worth it. Click on them if you want to see them larger...
But yeah it was a fun night, and I got home at about 5:15 on Sunday morning. Obviously I slept through church, and got up to eat Sunday Dinner and go to see my dad in the Music Man (thanks again Rach for goin with me) and then closed down B&N with Cat that night.
So, it was a good weekend overall, even with all of the congestion. LOL
I hope that everyone else had a good weekend too.
Posted by Hello

2 Response to "DG Formal"

  • Anonymous Says:

    Ashley is gonna kill you. I laughed. But I'm considering killing you too. You couldn't find a better roomie pic in all those photos??

  • Anonymous Says:

    Jono...you really are EVIL!

    ggggrrrr....and i love the..."my hot date...and ohhh yea...also her roommate..."

    you know im HOT!! too hot for words! ohhhh yeeeeaaaa...

    at least i dont start PANTING when someone tickles me...wouldnt that make you a...dog?

    yea...soooo hahaha...well, im glad you had fun...im finally not sore! haha...good times, good times...you'll have to come and be my date sometime and we'll throw down and maybe show off some swing moves to!

    well i guess i forgive you...love ya and thanks for the dance...hehe

    Happy summer!

    i CAN be genuinely happy cuz tomorrow we are goin to the bizeach! ohhh yea!