Eyes Wide

mood? ready
music? Micah Tawlks - Treasure
muse? Psalm 43:3-4

I've been convicted about something. I am really eager to go home and at times that has become my focus, but God got a hold of me the other night. I was camping with the kids (20 of them this week) and I happened to have some time to myself after everyone, even the adults, went to bed. It was about 12:14 and 32 seconds and I was watching the sky and all the amazing stars. Then it struck me; the stars were shining for God, for Jesus, for the One and Only, my One and Only. I felt like running away and crying in a corner. I was (and am) so ready to go home that I was missing the moment that I could worship God with everything I've got! God is ready to work through me now! All I have to do is listen to His voice, stop talking and moving and just be still and listen. Psalm 40 says "He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear, and put their trust in the LORD." If I'm not worshipping God in every moment and seeking Him and glowing (like Stephen when he saw heaven, and like Moses when he saw the burning bush) then how are others going to see Jesus in me? They can't!!! I've decided to return my focus and not be so scatter-brained about everything. He will take care of me and I shouldn't have to worry about all the details. I will be like the simple-minded servant I am and do as I am told to the best of my ability! Jesus was so focused that he said "It is finished!" even though so many hadn't heard about Him yet! I should be so focused that all I want to do is what God wants me to, and I am so guilty of wanting to go it on my own. *sigh* Regardless, I am eager to get home and see what God is going to do there, but I am not going to overlook the kids that are in the here and now and the opportunities that I have immediately to share what God has done in my life. Are you sharing? Are you joyful? Be exuburant in everything you do and let the Father's light reflect on your face so the world may see it!

You Are an Emo Rocker!

Expressive and deep, lyrics are really your thing.
That doesn't mean you don't rock out...
You just rock out with meaning.
For you, rock is more about connecting than grandstanding.

3 Response to "Eyes Wide"

  • Anonymous Says:

    Now I feel like crying in a corner. Thanks. (And yeah, I mean that.)

    -- Liz

  • Anonymous Says:

    Dear Jonathan,

    Isn't it amazing that something as "normal" as the stars in the sky can get your attention? But you have to look at them. You have to focus on them and notice the ones that twinkle...and the ones that don't (planets, right?) If you have ever wondered if the stars have a purpose, remember what the Word says in Ecclesiastes---everything God created has a purpose! Cool, huh? He didn't accidentally create the stars!!

    I am looking forward to seeing you when you get home. You have been missed, but as you reminded me several weeks ago, you have been where God wanted you this summer. Your dad and I could not be more pleased that you are seeking God first! I know you have much to share. We are looking forward to lots of stories of lots of cool things like bears in the woods...and how God uses ordinary things in our lives to give us an extraordinary life in Him!

    We love you so much! Turn your eyes upon Jesus! And the things of earth.....


  • Anonymous Says:

    we haven't talked in a while so it was neat to see this update. I think it's glorifying to the Lord even more when His children "see" the magnitude of His glory in creation. It's like I think about the statement that Jesus makes about the reason why He speaks in parables. Those that were listening were not hearing and those that were seeing were not seeing. It's all spiritual with the Lord and I praise Him that He has lifted the veil from our eyes and that He is committed to us, His children. Keep pressing on Jon! I praise God that He is continuing to reveal himself to you in so many ways. Your life excites me and I can't wait to see you pour your life out through music and evangelism this next year. Praise God for the work that He is doing in you and through you. I'm encouraged!
    In Him
    Acts 17:24-25 " The God who maked the world and everytihng in it, being Lord of Heaven and earth, does not live in temples made by man, nor is he served by human hands, as though he needed anything, since he himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything."