I don't wanna move...

music? David Crowder*Band - Do Not Move

I'm being challenged on so many levels right now and it's about to drive me up the friggin wall. It's not that I don't know that God's going to bring me through it, because He will and He is. But that doesn't make it less hard. People frustrate me and I don't know why people do things just to aggravate me. I'm really tempted to buy a pair of boxing gloves and a punching bag. A big punching bag. I wish I had strongbad's mad style and couuld wear gloves all the time.

In any case... I'm constantly reminded that when the woman, who was caught in the act of adultery, was brought before Jesus he kneeled down in the dirt. I wouldn't want to see the beautiful piercing eyes of Jesus in that moment. Jesus concealed his irritation at the acts of the pharisees in that moment by bending down and drawing in the dirt. Now I could be wrong, but I don't know that I am. This is just what I see in that moment. If you think Jesus is constantly like "Awww... it's okay. Everything's all better." then I believe that you're dead wrong. We're supposed to repent and part of repenting is turning away and trying not to do the same thing again. He flipped tables in the tmple courts because people didn't get it. He loves each and every one of us but He still knows what's best for us and we should do as He tells us for His kingdom. He'll forgive us, we just have to understand that when Jesus was filled with sin, the Father couldn't bear to look at him because he was so sorrowful. God doesn't hate people, He abhors the sin within them.

Whoever feels like they must critisize me: be ready for a reprisal
Whoever feels like they need to apologize to me: you better be sure that you're the one who did something.

I'm out.

1 Response to "I don't wanna move..."

  • Anonymous Says:

    i think it's really cool to think of Jesus having to calm himself... i dunno, it just makes me relate to him more like He knows how i feel sort of thing. He's so amazing, and even in these hard times, He's still there.

    He does abhor sin within people and so often we forget that sin is sin and He hates it all.

    you have amazing insight and wisdom! it's great to finally see that. ~Sam