risk vs. reward (scars)

Questions tend to haunt me.
What Ifs and Whys especially...

This time there's a different question and I've got to find out the answer to it.

What if I don't and I regret it?
So what if I'm wrong... I don't lose anything.

"I've been fighting for myself all along."

I'm ready to fight for something outside of myself.
It's not gonna be easy, but things that are easy often aren't worth fighting for.

I'm not saying that everything else I've done in life has been with selfish motivation.
In fact, a lot of things that I've done have been worth it and have been completely selfless.
(I'm not saying this to brag, but only to explain.)

It hurts when you fall and bust your knee, but every kid knows...
the air that you caught before you flipped over your handlebars
was worth 10 busted knees and 30 stitches.
It just sux that you only got 3 instead of 30.

(You know homeboy busted his tail more than twice before he figured out how to do it!)

I'm learning to let God do the driving more and more every day
and lean harder on His Truth and not my own.

Sometimes God tells you to go and doesn't give you exact directions.
He told Abraham to leave his land and go to the land that he promised
and that Abe would know when he got there.

Holy crap, what an adventure.
What a challenge.
Go! Find it! Have fun, but learn to depend on me in the hard times!
We have a commission. Let's take some risks and get a little bloody in the process.
Whoever said scars are a bad thing never was a 11-year-old boy.

Scars are definitely a reminder of good and bad times.
Bloody knees were always a mark of pride as kids.
What happened to them as we got older?
What happened to the story behind it?

It hurt both times. I think it just became more painful
socially as we got older.

So forget social order. I'm shooting for the stars.
I'm digging to China in my backyard even though I might never get there.
I'm taking my bike off the rickety jump that Andy built on the curb.
If I'm a little bloody next time you see me, then ask why...
Hopefully it'll be a good story about living and being alive!

So here goes. Wish me luck.
With all my fight, I'm gonna dig in my heels and do it.

The Risk is evident.
The Reward may be huge.

Listening to Psyche Origami and
the new Red Hot Chili Peppers Single Dani California

2 Response to "risk vs. reward (scars)"

  • Liz Says:

    Whoever said scars are a bad thing never was a 11-year-old boy.

    Gee, thanks, Jon. Just when I thought it was safe to be a girl :p

  • Anonymous Says:

    "Sometimes God tells you to go and doesn't give you exact directions.
    He told Abraham to leave his land and go to the land that he promised
    and that Abe would know when he got there."

    that is exactly what God did with me transferring. that's the exact story i read and knew He was about to move me. genesis...it's powerful. it'll change your life. have fun on your adventure and remember to catch me up! live life!