The Delta Blues
Listening to:
Eric Clapton - Me and Mr Johnson
Robert Johnson - King of the Delta Blues Singers (Vol. 2)
R. L. Burnside - Burnside on Burnside
Johnny Lang - Lie to Me
BB King & Eric Clapton - Ridin' with the King
So I'm on a big blues kick right now... I love the really old Robert Johnson Recordings that you can still hear the analog imperfections on. Gah! It's so glorious! It's raw and most of the Delta Blues guys didn't play for money (to start with) and so many went unrecognized for so long! (Like RL Burnside.)
People look at me weird sometimes when I tell them that I like the older albums of bands. The imperfect stuff and it's for the same reasons that I like Robert Johnson's old analog recordings from the 30s. It's real and it's raw. It's powerful.
Clapton said something about Johnson's music that really hit home. He said...
"when I heard him for the first time, it was like he was singing only for himself, and now and then, maybe God.... At first it scared me in its intensity..."That's the real deal! Sing fromt the heart!
-Eric Clapton
Rock out the best you can and soak up every minute of it.
(By the way, I think I'm gonna try and pick up the harmonica.)
if u're up for some jazzy sounds on the piano, check out Jamie Collum and if u love him, we're going to his concernt!
you have a flippin sweet blog! i'm adding it to my links list on mine so i can check it out frequently! hope all is well, red!
-katie cox